Nikon Rangefinder Cameras

Nikon Rangefinder Cameras

Nikon Rangefinder Cameras
Nikon introduced early 1948 its first rangefinder camera Nikon I. This rangefinder camera has an image frame size of 32×24 mm., later referred to as ‘Nippon’ size. The Nippon size made it possible to take at least 40 images/frames on a standard 35mm. film length and its proportions would correspond better to the paper sizes…

Alessandro Scarabelli

I’m a Freelance Photographer Born in Bologna Italy where I live, although consider me a citizen of the world, I found personal expression taking reportage photos to many countries land… in Europe, Middle East, Africa, North and South America, Asia, Oceania and Italy of course. I believe that travel broadens one’s view of the world, makes you more tolerant, and reflects on our way of living and thinking.
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